Master Tung Acupuncture (Advanced)
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International College of Oriental Medicine, East Grinstead
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Advanced Master Tung Acupuncture course for those with experience

Speaker(s): Shaun Goodman, Dipl.Ac. IATCM. graduated as a Chinese Medicine practitioner in 1995 and since then has been practicing acupuncture at an Acupuncture Centre near Jerusalem. During the last 15 years he has studied and practiced the clinical application of Channel Theory and Master Tung Acupuncture. He also studied Master Tung Acupuncture with Professor Lee Kuo Cheng (李國政) in Taiwan. Shaun teaches globally on topics such as Meridian Theory, Master Tung’s Acupuncture and Bloodletting. He has previously been elected as the 5th most influential practitioners of Chinese Medicine in Israel which shows incredible enthusiasm, knowledge, and passion for Chinese Medicine.

Shaun Goodman

Other information

The renowned Master Tung teachers are returning to ICOM for a second year in a row. Alongside the popular Foundation course, there will be this Advanced programme which has been designed for practitioner’s who have good knowledge and experience of Master Tung acupuncture. The course is delivered over the course of 2 days for a total of 18 hours. The course was highly praised last year with feedback such as “[Gil and Shaun] are experts sharing many clinical tips that work, with passion and dedication” as well as “very knowledgeable teachers, both in the theory and practice.”

Booking information

Open to

This course is only open to professional acupuncturists who who already have good knowledge and experience of Master Tung acupuncture. Please email [email protected] with details of your qualification and/or experience of Master Tung Acupuncture prior to booking. Eligibility will be decided on a case by case basis to ensure that participants get maximum benefit from the course.



Last Updated

2024-06-11 11:47:47